Published October 23, 2023
From the Publisher
The best-laid plans often go astray; this time my straying is for a very good reason. This letter was originally going to share with you the impressive and timely work of my colleagues in our “pillar” of MI Health to alert you to our next Future of Health Summit, taking place in Washington on November 6-8 and to remind you that you can see the high-level discussions that will be taking place, by going online to the Institute website.
But a 25th anniversary should never pass untrumpeted. The brilliant editor of these pages and pixels, Peter Passell, is also a modest fellow. Peter was “present at the creation” of the Review, since he is the editor who created this journal, supported by a small but dedicated crew and tapping into some of the best economic minds of a generation. In his bylined introduction nearby, Peter shares some of the pieces that he’s justifiably proud of, especially those by authors who saw around the corners of the present day to help readers understand the unfolding future.
He could have pointed to many more. As an editor, Peter has sought to present views from both academic economists and smart commentators within a broad understanding of what economics is. His sauce that is not-so-secret (since all Review readers have enjoyed it) is to ensure that the writing is lively, engaging and accessible. With a hat tip to Fleetwood Mac, Peter makes economics fun.
In the quarter-century since the Review’s founding, the importance of economics and finance – and the public’s understanding of them – has increased hugely. Consider that the Review’s first issue was birthed during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98, and continued to publish during the bursting of the dot-com bubble at the beginning of this century, through the financial crisis of 2007-9, and most recently in the “through a glass darkly” days of the Covid-19 global pandemic. The economic impact and consequences of each of these events was considerable, yet easier to put into perspective for those of us enlightened by the Review’s insights.
So, hearty thanks to Peter, and congratulations to the Review on achieving its 25th anniversary and 100th quarterly issue. We’re looking forward to the next 100.
Conrad Kiechel, Publisher