Institute News
“Racial and Economic Justice: Unlocking the Next Trillion of Economic Activity”
“A Conversation with Jared Bernstein and Jason Furman”
“From Social Pariah to Social Fabric: What is the Future of Digital Media?”
“The Future of Capitalism”
“Predicting the Future: What’s Next for AI and Data Analytics?”
“Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration”
“The Next Decade: How to Manage Disruption”
“Love in the Time of Corona”
“Are You Willing to Give Up Your Privilege?”
“The Case for Optimism”
Published January 24, 2021
Each year, the Institute’s Global Conference brings together some of the day’s most insightful minds to compare notes and engage in usually spirited (but always civil) discussion. Since 2020 was a very different year, GC 2020 was a very different event — entirely virtual, with all sessions shared and streamed online in real time. In the brave new world of digital convenings, it was one of the most ambitious to date, with nearly 100 sessions and 500-plus speakers.
Happily, our audience took to the format like a duck to water. Thousands of attendees joined via the conference’s app, spending on average six hours a day immersed in the content of panels and fireside conversations. Thousands more watched the video streams in real time, or later at their convenience.
For those who missed the meeting, we offer a selection of GC’s greatest hits — the sessions whose speakers provided especially remarkable (and very watchable) illumination on the issues before them. We’ve filtered our choices to ensure that all will still be relevant viewed months after the October dates of the conference. All can be accessed free at https://milken
We could go on and on. Instead, we’ll remind you that these and all other Global Conference sessions are available for your enjoyment – and we hope, enlightenment – at the Institute website, or simply