Institute News
Bank on It
The Institute launched in May, a one-of-a-kind web platform for accessing information on banking systems and their regulation in scores of countries. The website is designed to serve as both a portal for financial policymakers and a one-stop search site for academics, journalists and the general public who want to deepen their understanding of current issues in banking. "We're confident that it will be a tremendous resource for anyone working in this area," says Staci Warden, executive director of the Institute's Center for Financial Markets. Others agree: after its debut, called a "powerful resource" for those tracking the issues.
Best Practices
In June, our FasterCures center released its "Consortia-pedia Framework Report." The last decade has seen a proliferation of medical research consortia – unique collaborations among non-traditional partners with shared research and development goals. Nearly 400 such groups have been launched in the past 30 years, yet the landscape has gone largely unmapped. That is, until now: the Framework Report analyzes 21 diverse consortia to better understand the tools and metrics used to start and run these complex collaborations. It's intended to help both fledging and veteran consortia better understand their dynamics and to speed progress in medical research. Download a copy at no cost from
Aging Upside
The Institute assembled an all-star cast of experts on aging issues, and collected their knowledge in a new book, The Upside of Aging: How Long Life Is Changing the World of Health, Work, Innovation, Policy and Purpose. Published by Wiley and edited by Institute President Paul H. Irving, each chapter offers new insights into aging, including: the emotional intelligence and qualities of the aging brain that science is uncovering; the new worlds of genomics, medicine and technology that are revolutionizing health care and wellness; and the benefits that aging workers and entrepreneurs bring to companies. "Increased longevity has contributed to unprecedented global economic growth and new opportunities for personal fulfillment that previous generations could only dream of," says Irving.