First Quarter 2016
Asians Lead the New Immigration Surge
Asian surprise. by William H. Frey
Desalination Ready for Prime Time?
Planning for the next drought by Lawrence Fisher
Ethiopia’s Long, Hard Road
by Robert Looney
Restoring Fiscal Democracy
by Eugene Steuerle
Saving Airline Deregulation
Ryanair to the rescue? by Kenneth Button
Billionaires and Growth
by Sutirtha Bagchi and Jan Svejnar
Financing High-Risk Medical Research
A Proposal from FasterCures By Melissa Stevens
Who Pays for Free Parking?
by Eren Inci
The Rise and Fall of American Growth
by Robert Gordon
Ants and Grasshoppers
Ants and Grasshoppers
Summary of this Issue
George Mason University economist ken button points out that the giant legacy airlines that stumbled through the first decades of deregulation are finally covering their operating costs and are better positioned to confront future economic storms. Our own melissa stevens outlines a plan for leveraging philanthropic dollars to manage risk in the development of life-saving drugs. Former New York Times reporter larry fisher examines California's flirtation with seawater desalination. sutirtha bagchi of Villanova University and jan svejnar of Columbia University ask whether the extraordinary rise in extreme wealth in recent decades stimulates or undermines economic growth. And much more...