Second Quarter 2017

Population Growth Hits Bottom
But there's a silver lining
Letter From Germany
It's hard to do the right thing
Where Did All the Men Go?
The rise of the unworking
The Rigged Labor Market
Adam Smith would be ashamed
Public Pension Plans
A trillion here, a trillion there...
Beating the Odds: Jump-Starting Developed Countries
Why development economists are just plain wrong
Still Digging Out
Palestinian Blues
Letter From Tōhoku
The sun also sets.
Cheap Beef?
South Africa is a bargain
Summary of this Issue
Alan Krueger links stagnating wages to employers’ anti-competitive tactics that reduce labor mobility and sap productivity. Nick Eberstadt ponders the consequences of the great exodus of men from the American workforce, and brainstorms ways to bring them back. Ramona Bajema returns to Fukushima six years after the tsunami and the subsequent nuclear power disaster that killed 20,000. Ed Bartholomew explains why the looming pension liabilities of states and localities are far more ominous than the officials in charge acknowledge, or apparently even understand. Charles Castaldi samples Germans’ reaction to Angela Merkel’s decision to take on the mantle of moral leadership eschewed by the United States in the Syrian refugee crisis. Jacob Udell and Glenn Yago revisit the problem of constructing a viable Palestinian economy from the ruins of permanent war. Justin Yifu Lin and Célestin Monga argue that development economics requires a thorough makeover if it is to help lagging nations join the mainstream. Bill Frey explains why U.S. population growth is heading for zero.